Just swim across–the crocodiles are still at the meeting.
That took me way too long
I still don’t get it
It’s saying that the river only has a rubber band, rather than the person crossing the river. The crocodiles, which we assume are normally present based on the apparent name of said river, are (for some reason) in a meeting, and thus not currently present. Therefore, as the punchline says, you can simply swim across, nothing to worry about (the river current isn’t very strong I guess).
It’s actually based on a string of jokes I posted in this community. But that’s a fun interpretation! I just added the rubber band as a red herring.
I’m gonna need a list of all these jokes to keep track of continuity
Looking at OPs post history… They missed one actually
Wait… what’s the missing one?
Still karma whoring then!
I always heard it starting with:
"You have 300 bricks and you throw one as far as you can, how many do you have left?
The elephant to the river is the same but this joke is told about someone else crossing the river instead. Finally it ends with:
"But… They still don’t make it across, why?
Because you threw a brick at them!"
Haven’t heard that one before. Brilliant.
The brick joke is an absolute classic. The only tragedy is that it’s hard to set up without other people coming in with the payoff before you can.
Is that why the last few haven’t made any sense to me? I’m missing the back story?
🤔 Me wondering how the rubber band will come into play in a day or two.