Lol you think Elon actually cares about that
Curious if anyone here is still finding a need for X network in their day to day lives?
I was never big on Twitter so had no trouble leaving when Elon bought.
Same. There’s no shortage of places on the internet where you can display your ignorance or stupidity, and most of them have more functionality than twitter.
I was only lurking but it was usefull to find out why a train is delayed and stuff like that.
I never got onto twitter in the first place. I got a bit concerned when governments and NGOs started using it as the default shopfront from which they interacted with the public.
You can delete a tweet, but you can’t delete a press conference.
You can delete a toot on your own instance, that’s not ran by an elongated muskrat
Lol 😆
My highschool band made me create an account for updates and announcements, never really used it since.
The biggest problem is articles online still quoting, linking to, and embedding Tweets
Need? No
I do still have an old version of the app installed that I occasionally get interesting notifications from though
I mainly use Mastodon now but sadly, my country’s public institutions (such as meteorology and seismology) have no presence in the fediverse. There’s also a particular fandom I follow that mainly interacts om Twitter.
Yeah there’s a lot of good covid info still on there.
Honestly I think the future of the internet is in the hands of a few US judges, not billionaires who own these platforms.
Once Section 230 hits the courts, the entire way the internet works could get flipped onto its head.
How so? Honest question
Oh gosh, I just started typing out a response. The. Started sourcing and realized this would take me a ton of time. There are a lot of people way more educated on this, especially the actual potential legal outcomes if this is tried.
I am going to wait to see if someone more knowledgeable chimes in before going through the effort of making a well sourced and researched response.
Sharing links works, too, if typing the response is too much work
Well I apparently wasn’t paying attention and the case that most were sweating about was settled in the Supreme Court earlier this year. Gonzalez V. Google.
But there are a number of worrying bills introduced to Congress recently like the CASE-IT ACT the See Something, Say Something Online Act of 2023 and a handful of others, with more being actively discussed.
There is also this case that seems destined to go to the Supreme Court. I think some worry that eventually if congress doesn’t rewrite the laws the SC will feel the need to. Laws have finesse, SC decisions generelly have larger impact as they unravel a bunch or interconnected laws until new legislation is passed. A court decision could overnight mean everyone who hosts content is then liable, I don’t think I have to explain to see how that will go sideways for any smaller players on the web.
Those of you who use X on mobile should report the apps for violations
The app stores already know.
Twitter’s about to become groomer central like Kik.
Can you tell me more about Kik? I used to use it for a bit
Kik was (is?) popular mainly among 14-18 year old folks due to their public, local groups for schools, common hangouts etc., so it naturally attracts the kind of creeps you expect.
deleted by creator
The idea itself of calling a block feature “useless” is laughable,
deleted by creator
The abuse of the block feature is a problem yes, I too was a victim of “you’re wrong I’m right shut up blocked”.
But blocking can be useful too: if you disgrace someone and their posts? you can block them, someone is arrasing you? you can block them. (Arrassing post/comments wise, on private messages block will remain)
An issue can be fix by not removing the feature itself, like reporting miss information.
Regarding of the mute, is not exactly the same: if I mute someone, that someone can still comment under my posts, wich is the main reson I used to use the block, for not having imbeciles who thinks I’m an alien in the comment section.
I think the way twitter block used to work was a sword with two blades, useful in many cases but easily abusible.
deleted by creator
The only reason why this dipshit wants to get rid of the block feature is because he’s probably the most blocked person on Twitter. People were sick of his dumb, unfunny brain farts getting pushed into their timeline and blocked him, and his ego can’t handle it.
Exaxtly, that guy can’t handle any critisims without starting a childish rant or doing something like this
This comment makes me laugh because I’ve seen it (and said it) so many times close to word from word. We’re all in tune with his nonsense and it’s great to be so aligned
We all say: most blocked person
Twitter instead of the letter
I can’t wait for his platform to die
twitter gonna go parler
Its use of a single letter app name did, too, and we see how quickly they bent the rules to accommodate the name change.
The single letter name exception is basically everything you need to know. It’s all bullshit.
I can see making an exception for a single letter name but block is an essential feature of any social network not having it could leave you open to a lawsuit and possibly charges from a stalking murder case
Yeah, hopefully. Musk loves pushing boundaries. Eventually you wonder if he pushes too far. As other comments here suggest, though, the one thing he really highlights is the arbitrary nature and general inconsistency of these boundaries. The rules may be written down, but they don’t apply equally. It’s helpful to be reminded of that sometimes.
Exactly my thoughts, the rules are bullshit if they are not equal for everybody.
like a two tier justice system? but that would be unfair!
Both Apple and Google benefit from Twitter “nazifying” their users so they vote Repug and pay zero taxes. They’ll never do shit.
Bing bing bing…
We’ve got a winner!
Wait, bing is Nazi too?!?
Does Microsoft like taxes?
They’re big about taxes. They love tax dollars when they’re broke, but they don’t exactly…”pay” their “taxes.”
Yeah, they support taxes. They just only support other people/organizations/companies paying them, not Microsoft.
They might for the PR
Oh there will be a meeting where they weigh PR vs propaganda costs. If Twitter becomes Truth Social 2.0 it fails. You gotta keep the libs/lefties in it in order to redpill em.
Chances are they’ll just have another Pride Week to cover it.
Getting rid of the block function is like trying to run email without a spam filter. Elon musk/ Twitter was already out of control. Now they’ve completely lost their minds, even more than they already had.
There is no “they”. There is only Muskrat.
The Elongated one?
There’s still mute but that weirdly makes things worse - now you mute someone but they can still reply and interact with your tweets except you can’t see it. So the abusers can just spam the shit out of you, doxing and w/e and you’ll never know.
So how blocking works on basically every other platform, including this one? It was only recently that it stopped working that way on reddit even.
Imagine being excited about publicly announcing the deletion of a critical feature. Have you even seen such a brazen and naked attempt at control from a CEO or corporation? Seriously, name one. Name one company that has done this sort of thing.
Any other company that would even attempt to remove a critical feature like that would try to sugarcoat it with an apology letter about how it was a tough decision, or have a bulleted list of reasons why they were forced to remove the feature.
No, not this guy. Just a blind, unfiltered matter-of-fact tweet. No explanation. No apologies. No signs of any remorse.
Name. One. Company. Who. Has. Done. This.
The apology letter is a bug, not a feature. I want more companies to just openly and unapologetically say, “this is what we’re doing, and not everyone is going to like it, but it’s what we believe is the right thing, and we’re doing it.” No one needs more bullshit in their lives. I don’t mind that he isn’t giving me a bullshit apology. I mind that he’s a lunatic and his ideas are stupid.
There’s a stark difference between standing up for your decision with detailed justifications and making random crazy changes promoted with a single tweet.
Sure, but I stand by the fact that the problem is that the changes are random and crazy, not that he didn’t bullshit his way through an apology we all know he didn’t mean.
Look at it this way, if Bud Light had responded to the big protest by just putting out a statement that said nothing but “we stand by our decision”, most of us would have considered that to be pretty great.
Basically I guess I think a bad decision accompanied by a slimy attempt to tell me how it’s actually good or that it was really hard for you is worse than just making a bad decision and saying, “this is what I’m doing”.
That’s a different kind of “blocking”.
They’re referring to something more like banning. Kicking people off the service.
No, on both of them it says the app itself must have the ability to block users. In other words, the user has the ability to block someone. Since neither app would ever allow a user to have the ability to ban someone completely from the site, the blocking function they are referring to is the blocking function as it exists today.
That seems to be how the apple store is worded. But google requires in app blocking of users and content, which cannot be reasonably interoperated as moderator removals or bans.
Musk’s proposed change would violate the language in the image for google’s store.
Going by the other two in the Google rules they are about blocking people from using the service just like Apple’s list not about letting individuals block other individuals.
How can you possibly read it that way? Unless you think there has to be an in-app method to ban users? There is no in-app system for blocking people from the service either.
Google: Provides an in-app system for blocking UGC and users.
I agree.
I don’t see how an administrator blocking someone serverside could possibly be “in app.”
I don’t think so. They’re saying that has to be in the app so I don’t think it means the ability for the owners to do it. Plus they’d always have the ability in the backend.
deleted by creator
LOL over there there’s a crazy concentration of toxic people, take out the block?
Also how all those politicians that block hundreds of people a day can continue to use the platform?
Wait until people and brands start getting spammed with @s full of porn or CSAM and they can’t block the person tweeting it at them.
I believe you could use block to prevent other people’s shit from showing up in your feeds that other people see. My account is there, pointing at my mastadon account, but I deleted the app from my phone last December, so it doesn’t really matter to me what happens on that site. But, it seems wild that a person can spam your feed with goatse and you can’t do anything about it.
oh him and his buddies will still enjoy blocking undesirables. this whole stunt is just so everyone has to read every stupid thought that comes out of his stupid mouth.
Its all part of the plan. EM does one outrageous thing each day to constantly stay in the news cycle. The ego must be fed.
Oscar Wilde described this mentality in The Picture of Dorian Gray
“There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.”
removed by mod
They should just let users ban other users entirely from the app
Report it.
Probably won’t make a difference, but wouldn’t it be great if the app stores removed them for violations?
Or…now hear me out…delete your Twitter account and just stay on the fediverse.
I feel like you’re preaching to the choir here.
What’s a Lemmy? I thought this was the Facebook, my grandkids did something to my phone and added this programme to my screen.
The Facebook*
Who are you? Get off my screen!
how to make chicken noodle soup for the kids
Bing! Here’s your kids noodle soup for the chickens :)
▢ 2 teaspoon olive oil ▢ 1 cup baby carrots, diced (can also use whole peeled carrots) ▢ ¼ teaspoon each: garlic powder, onion powder ▢ ⅛ teaspoon salt, celery salt, turmeric powder ▢ 1 teaspoon chicken base ▢ 32 oz chicken broth ▢ 1 cup cooked chicken, diced small ▢ 1 cup Kluski Noodles (up to 1 ½ cups) Can use other types of noodles, just adjust the cooking time for your noodle type
In a large pot, over medium/medium-low heat, saute the carrots in the oil for 3-4 minutes. Stir in the garlic powder, onion powder, salt, celery salt, and turmeric powder. Pour in the chicken broth and add the chicken base, stir to combine. Turn the heat up to medium/medium-high, and bring the pot to a simmer. Add the noodles and chicken, cook for 12-15 minutes, until the noodles are cooked thru.
Porque no los dos?
Pourquoi pas les deux ?
Pourquoicé faire pô toute ça?
Why not all three?
Waarom niet alle vier?
Warum nicht alle fünf?
Porque não os seis?
Zakaj ne vseh sedem?
I keep mine, but use it exclusively to post links to mastodon.
You can lodge an objection without installing the app
y tho
That’s what I’m saying. Social media sites die without enough users to keep it active. Twitter needs to die at this point.
Security through obscurity
Done! Thanks for the idea.
I reported the app formerly known as Twitter for hate speech.