I don’t subscribe to the idea that tweets or message boards or ideas or ‘silence’ is violence.
The upvote system was invented to put relevant discussion to the top, and hide irrelevant discussion. What people have done with it is use it as a like/dislike button.
If that’s what it was, that’s what it would be called. Like Facebook, which has an actual ‘like’ button
But I do think people who even interact with the system are losers. That’s my personal, anecdotal, opinion of them
Strange, it’s displaying as if I replied to a different comment than I intended to.
But really, I’m just mocking people who downvote others because they don’t agree with their comment. I think it’s really lame.
I’d like a place to talk to people, about contentious issues. I personally never use the downvote button and only occasionally even use the upvote button.
When I see a perfectly reasonable comment with -50 downvotes within minutes of posting … it makes me laugh at everyone who just can’t hit that downvote button fast enough.
So I’m really just mocking those people
I get downvoted a lot too. But after reading this, I think the downvote buttons might actually mean you’re right, because there are a lot of retards on lemmy who drool their way through life and have no idea what they’re talking about.
Because you’re right. I can tell by the downvotes. The more you get, the fighter you are
There should be something to this. A lot of parents keep their children off of the internet, but having young children accessing ‘most’ of the internet is a bad fucking idea
Parents, monitor and limit your kids online. I know it’s hard as fuck, I know other kids will think it’s weird that your kid doesn’t know the new tiktok thing. Do it anyway
Well that’s the difference, most people will pirate when it’s more convenient to do so. And as long as prices are so exorbitant.
I pirate hockey games, because watching hockey is ridiculously inconvenient and/or expensive.
I do not pirate music anymore, or video games because Apple Music is more convenient and not very expensive and steam has all the games I’d ever want to play, and has enough sales that it’s not that expensive either.
I don’t pirate movies and tv shows because Netflix and Disney really cover anything I want to watch and anything else I share a crave subscription, like for Game of Thrones
But I do pirate hockey games.
The funny thing is that you probably think you get news legitimately.
But the truth is that it’s all propaganda. The only difference between CNN and Fox, or reddit/Twitter/Facebook, is the angle.
But it’s all bullshit.
‘News’ doesn’t exist anymore, instead of just giving the facts, every article tries to tell you what you should think.
I dunno, man. It’s a weird perspective to have when you’re me. I don’t hate trans people, I don’t hate gay people, I don’t hate minorities, I want everyone to be happy and healthy and free.
I just don’t agree with the lefts way of getting there and I don’t agree that their ‘goodness’ actually is coming from a place of good. I think people get wrapped up on the promises, I think trans rights are just the same as everyone else’s rights.
I don’t think trans people experience any more actual violence than any of us do. I’m just as likely to get beat up walking down the street as anyone else is.
I think the media and left wing educators are distracting us from the issues we should be up in arms about and feeding the masses a story to enact.
And I think lemmy is a huge symptom of that. This is not a diverse place. And any diversity of thought is struck down with the strength of a thousand suns.
I don’t think anyone deserves anymore rights than anyone else, and if you’re specifically talking about trans, if you wouldn’t give a 10yo girl breast augmentation surgery because she wanted bigger boobs, or a child penis injections because he wanted a bigger dick, why would you invert a 10yo penis to create a neo-vagina?
That’s not about ‘rights’. Those rights aren’t afford to only trans kids and then you tell an 8yo “no, I’m sorry you can’t get a tattoo on your face”. It’s disingenuous. How do you k ow how badly they want a face tattoo? Why would you deny them their sense of self in that way? Is that not hatecthen?
My slap down trans argument will always be this: if you’re an adult, do whatever the fuck you want. Put horns in your head, split your tongue, get tattoos, get bigger breasts, inject synthol into your arms, invert your penis. I don’t care.
But if a child has a perfectly healthy and functioning body, the problem they are having is not with their body, don’t do cosmetic surgery on them.
I get it, a bunch of quack doctors want to do as many of these surgeries as they can. These idiots would be lining up lobotomy patients too, if they still could.
Because they are quack doctors. They are idiots, they are scamming your kids by selling surgery to kids parents to treat a problem that isn’t physical.
And that’s all I have to say about that