this should make for some kickass robot contests. id like to see two real-time kungfu robots go at eachother.
Battle bots 2034
Once AI becomes the norm, and people start making homelab androids, I genuinely see a robot fighting league in our future.
Big Hero 6 style
The speed changes so many times in the video that you immediately get the impression of it being unreal.
I have seen several other humanoid robots, this one looks much too “tidy” to be true: no tubes, cables etc. and all the joints look too good to be true.
One very impossible detail in the way it moves: it plants it’s feet on the ground thoroughly and with ease. No current robot does it like that, they rather “slap” the ground with their feet, or have no feet at all.
Make it better next time, you CGI folks :-) by making it less perfect.
You see stuff like this a lot with Chinese videos. I recently saw an electric supercar type vehicle from them jump potholes automatically at high speed as if it was nothing. Just keeps driving with zero wobble or death after landing.
I thought the same. And watching the second video it’s still impressive, but much more realistic.
Also, once solution to avoid having so many cables: the batteries last just enough for the promotional video.
this one looks much too “tidy” to be true: no tubes, cables etc.
You mean like this? Dynamics used hydraulics, for their older generation bots, but AFAIK the new ones don’t, so there is no tubing or wiring visible on new models.
I have seen one in real life recently. A fairly new one. Cables weren’t very obvious on the outside, but they were there, for example around the shoulder joints. And very much on the additional modules.
The Figure robots don’t really have cables that are visible. I think the bigger takeaway is that the movement is too fluid, every robot I’ve ever seen moves like robot, mostly because of how heavy they are. That thing’s moving like a human gymnast probably because it is a human gymnast being motion tracked.
Great. Now what?
“Is that Kung Fu?”
“No, he’s only had 2 pints.”
This does not look real. I can’t put my finger as to why. It looks like good CGI but the lighting off the robot does not feel perfect.
I was curious why someone downvoted you, so I took a look at the video.
That is absolutely 100% CGI and I’m not sure why anyone is doubting that. I’m on mobile and I can still see it.
Take my upvote.
The biggest tell is at 0:21.
You see the badge flying around as a physics object and then, when the animation stops the left side part of the necklace “resets” and slides up on the bots neck despite that being like a ball suddenly deciding to go from a rest to rolling up hill.
It looks like it went from being rendered as a physics object to slowing down enough that it returned to being a regular object attached to the model’s rigging .
The badge, the soft landings, and the seams in the concrete blipping in and out were the biggest factors for me.
Edit for downvoter: Watch nothing but the concrete for the whole video. I think the badge moved too perfectly and the landings didn’t seem to reflect physics, but the jitter on the concrete rendering is beyond unrealistic.
I don’t see the movement with the badge you’re describing, can you screenshot it for me? It looks normal to my untrained eye and I’d like to get better at spotting fakes
starting to think this is real, crazy
Let‘s give them the benefit of doubt. I mean this would only be the millionth time they get caught blatantly faking footage of exactly this technology and make wrong claims. Surely they have learned by now. /s
If you watch other videos from trade shows they show incredibly limited movement and jerky balance.
Nowhere close to the same league as in the video.
/s stands for sarcasm. Of course it‘s fake. It always is.
Can I have the source claiming they’ve faked footage? I would love to have that and didn’t find anything on google, hoping for a captain disillusion situation!
Oh, yeah, that really does not look real. Like on its own this seems unlikely since there’s been no talk about this until now, but wow that video just looks really, really fake.
Also it’s apparently only ~4ft/130cm tall, which would make this less impressive even if all the promo media released about it is real, which seems… unlikely.
Oh shit, they can fly now?!
Obviously only if you jump off a bird
damn… there goes my heist plans… was going to wait till AI robots took over the manufacturing lines, then walk in and start stealing product right off the line. I never anticipated all the robots would know kung fu.
It’s funny a fake video is connected to self defense theater.
Ew that whole site feels off. There are a few other pretty immediately obvious fake robot videos under the ‘innovation’ section.