Yeah I’ve ran into this problem a few times now. I use my Occulus Quest on my PC and it needs USB 3.2 cables. The meta branded ones are crazy expensive but I found a third party one for fairly cheap.
I just got a Pixel 7 Pro and it needs a special powerblock to rapid charge. My Samsung block from my S10+ didn’t meet the requirements, I had to go back to the Essential Phones included charger. The USB-C port on my PC’s case is at normal speeds, but the port on the mono charges rapidly.
FYI it was newer by 2 years. I don’t think anyone is complaining about the performance of lightning over USB C, its that people want things to be standardized like everything non-apple is. Apple could have contributed to the USB C research and made a better cable that’s available to everyone, like IBM with the original USB or Phillips with HDMI.
Yeah thats why we make drivers get licenced.