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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Neither are you on TikTok, unless you actively go looking for it

    That’s just genuine nonsense. The whole point of platforms like TikTok are the modern recommender systems that (simplified) lead to algorithmic radicalisation. Because these systems heavily optimise towards user engagement, they naturally spread misinformation and controversial content.
    And because this kind of content statistically gets more user engagement as people commend on it and spend more time with it, it spreads quicker. This has also e.g. been confirmed by a leaked internal Facebook memo.

    And additionally, these systems are personalised, so when you start to interact with it, you get more and more similar content. This leads to a radicalisation pipeline in which the platforms normalises these positions in echo chambers to you.

  • I don’t get your point. I’m against tech monopolies and I hate Google. I want Facebook to be split up and think that the current tech companies are way to powerful, see this video by Last Week Tonight. I use duckduckgo and try to avoid google services.

    Don’t pretend to be doing any of this for any kind of moral high ground when you can’t even be bothered to look into something before arguing for it.

    Lmao. How would you get the thought I wouldn’t have “looked into this”. That sounds like antivax level of arguments.

    Everything you said is basically wrong.

    And this gives me the feeling I’m much better informed than you tbh.
    Because no, what I wrote is factually correct, read for example this, this or this or just so many more articles, outlining detailed how TikTok censors content made by minorities, talking about the Uighur camps or so much more.

    I feel like you can’t grasp the thought that someone knows how bad many tech companies are and still can see that content behind TikTok is at least as terrible. And what I’m writing isn’t any more boomer-like than what you write, you even use the same talking points but are just ignoring any of TikTok’s flaws.

  • Am I a Reddit boomer when I’m 21 and like (some) Tiktok-esque kind of content?

    I’ve never used TikTok, but not because I don’t get the idea of using audio as meme template or because I don’t like short videos. But just because that specific platform itself is so vile.
    Not just talking about funding the Chinese government, TikTok e.g. reduces reach of neurodivergent people. Even worse, it censors information against China‘s authoritarianism and much more.

    Why can’t I be happy that this awful platform loses reach? The content itself will be kept, there are enough copycats.

    Also, Lemmy is full of people that stopped using Reddit for ethical reasons. So it’s not surprising many are against TikTok as well tbh.

  • That’s not my point. We’ve had good AIs and much development in that area of research already 50 years ago. Chess computers started being better than the best humans in the early 2000s. It’s not a particularly new field. But the development and research of artificial intelligence already completely stopped two times and it took over a decade each time to really start research in the field as well.
    The reasons why this happened is because of too big promises; even if they succeeded in some things, they promised way too much. If they continue promising way too much in the current AI hype as well, I can see the exact same thing happening again: People getting disappointed and the field getting isolated for another decade.
    I’m not saying the current successes will disappear, but that future development might, for a good while, just as it happened back then.

  • Now it feels like the left runs the entire internet because most sites don’t want Republicans there.

    It is interesting that this is your experience, but I can say that this is objectively not true. Especially if you’re on social media and not logged in, the content has a far right bias, there’s often at least one recommended video which goes in that direction. About twitter was one study that twitter systematically preferred right-wing content… before Elon bought it. And I mean, everyone knows about Facebook.

    The fascist Bolsonaro (he literally said the dictatorship was Brazil’s best time and that its only mistake was to not torture enough; you gotta agree he’s a literal fascist) movement just won the presidential elections because of Facebook and social media. It is a massive system driving people especially to a far-right extreme.

    What I can say about “Can’t disagree with BOTH sides because neither can fathom that.” is well… I mean, yeah, if you disagree with both, both probably won’t like that haha. But there is one problem to disagree with both sides if one side of them is e.g. literally trying to eradicate trans people, trying to deny them their existence, discriminate, etc., and also literally trying to undermine democracy and overthrow elections and is actively restricting who is able to vote, and the other one… isn’t.
    I can understand if someone financially benefits from Republicans, or is business-friendly or such, but criticising both as in that both are the same amount of bad is just wrong and harmful, because we just got to the point where only one side got completely off all norms and in an antidemocratic and borderline genocidal.
    (And for the record: I’m not a US-American. I am certainly not a fan of the US Democratic party. And I do think that of course it’s good to criticise everyone who does bad stuff, and to point that out.)