Jam the mic? https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B08Y5GGP4D
Works on my phone…
Jam the mic? https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B08Y5GGP4D
Works on my phone…
It’s a difficult enough task that I would probably be unable to suspend disbelief.
That said, if your hero has some time and a soldering kit it would be fairly doable and relatively believable. Also keep in mind that most flash drives now have the contacts for the USB port as part of The printed circuit board that has the actual storage on it and usually the actual storage would be encased in resin, at least with a good flash drive.
The cheap ones, you could totally do this though.
I ducking knew it too, I’ve been a long for the ride though. The models still do have some niche applications where they’re actually useful.
This whole thing with OpenAI and Microsoft whinging about fair play is truly laughable though. What clowns.
As a side note, it took a few tries to write ducking, my keyboard kept correcting it to fucking. We’re definitely 2 different people. Lol.
Archival grade m-discs, apparently. I had the same question. https://www.howtogeek.com/858426/whats-the-best-way-to-store-data-for-decades-or-centuries/
A collage would be fair use, yes I believe that’s already been established but again I’m not like a copyright lawyer or anything like that. I’ll leave that for others to research and prove in the courtroom.
I would say that your first example, as it file is not really accurate but the collage may be more so. It’s a statistical model that calculates statistically what a thing should be. Is it learning? Maybe maybe not.
Yes. This is why I’ve disabled it repeatedly when it supplants my assistant.
If they remove automation, well, that was the one thing standing between me and de-googling.