In part we agree. However there are two things to consider.
For one, the llms are plateauing pretty much now. So they are dependant on more quality input. Which, basically, they replace. So perspecively imo the learning will not work to keep this up. (in other fields like nature etc there’s comparatively endless input for training, so it will keep on working there).
The other thing is, as we likely both agree, this is not intelligence. It has it’s uses. But you said to replace programming, which in my opinion will never work: were missing the critical intelligence element. It might be there at some point. Maybe llm will help there, maybe not, we might see. But for now we don’t have that piece of the puzzle and it will not be able to replace human work with (new) thought put into it.
To me this is way too much like extortion. The more they do this the less I want to give them money.
Also I need to be logged on everywhere, which I don’t want to (have to), mostly for privacy and data harvesting reasons.
It also does not help that when I want to see something and jump around in a video, I get the same ad 30 times. No exaggeration.
I don’t think they do but mine still works perfectly and is pretty awesome. Also, it uses less power than a lot of modern TVs
It has modern connections but is only smart in a minor way so no laggy menus etc.