There was a moment in my life when I realized I was mentally burned out because when I read books, my brain couldn’t create images anymore.
I analyzed my time and found myself in front of a screen almost all the time, without breaks. Due to my job, I’m already forced to be in front of two screens, so I started with my phone gradually, muting people on WhatsApp, Facebook, and Twitter.
It wasn’t enough, so I reduced my use of Facebook and only shared music videos on my profile. If I had any notifications upon entering, I paid attention to them at that moment. I abandoned Twitter a while ago, and I have no regrets.
Today, my phone doesn’t emit any sound or show any lights unless someone calls me directly. I only use it for some recreational time that I deem worthwhile, and I check WhatsApp notifications when I plan to change the playlist I’m listening to.
I’m still somewhat mentally burned out, but I genuinely feel happier.
This. Fines should not be fixed at a specific amount, but rather as a percentage of the total income of the company for a year. Just as laws are regulated according to technological advances, fines must also be regulated to truly impact companies and make them think twice before breaking the law.