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I use it for explaining stuff when studying for uni and I do it like this: If I don’t understand e.g. a definition, I ask an LLM to explain it, read the original definition again and see if it makes sense.
This is an informal approach, but if the definition is sufficiently complex, false answers are unlikely to lead to an understanding. Not impossible ofc, so always be wary.
For context: I’m studying computer science, so lots of math and theoretical computer science.
Open-webui is the best self hosted LLM chat interface IMO. It works seamlessly with Ollama, but also supports other openAI-API compatible APIs AFAIK.
I’m using both in combination with each other and both downloading and using models is super easy. Also integrates well with VSCode extension “Continue”, an open source Copilot alternative (setup might require editing the extension’s config file).
Hello, as I said, it’s about “security by design”, which means to design a system that ‘doesn’t allow for insecure things’ in the first place. Like a microwave oven doesn’t operate when the door is open. IT-/cyber-security is a complex field, but 2FA is a good place to start, regarding user facing services. There are lots more things than that of course.
This shouldn’t be “offered” IMHO, this should be mandatory. Yes, people are very ignorant about cyber security (I’ve studied in this field, trust me, I know). But the answer isn’t to put the responsibility on the user! It is to design products and services which are secure by design.
If someone is actually able to crack accounts via brute-forcing common passwords, you did not design a secure service/product.
[Edit: spelling]
Someone should make a post about why blocking Threads is good and why it’s not to be confused with gate keeping. If not properly communicated, this could look very badly for the uninitiated and they’re not to blame.
Some people of course have an educated opinion against blocking, but many presumably don’t know the reasons behind it.
First result of DDG search, explains it quite well: https://www.androidauthority.com/android-system-intelligence-3325187/