Unity employees are shareholders, but greatly in the minority compared to the executives. The C-suite is routinely granted thousands of shares while the lowly employees are given a few hundred RSUs every year, which vest over a period of 4 years. It’s kinda bullshit how little equity employees by comparison, but definitely by design.
That sounds roughly accurate from my standpoint. I would love to stay where I’m at, but I’m being forced out by the upcoming RTO mandate. And on top of that, our brilliant executive team is currently chasing the AI trend, putting a bad taste in a lot of people’s mouths here. I think we also still have a hiring freeze mostly in effect except for a very few select positions with the educated guess that another RIF may be coming in the next few months. The whole thing makes me really angry the more I think about it.
I do see a decent amount of activity on it. Full disclaimer, I am not a security expert. I know just enough to be dangerous. But, I see at least a few connection attempts from different IPs about every day. The top 3 countries of origin are China, Russia, and Brazil (based on the reverse DNS, but it’s possible some are using VPNs to hide their origin). My impression is they’re all bots that just go through a list of IP addresses, attempting to connect to the standard ssh port, then guessing the username and password. What I’ve found is they usually go through a list of likely ssh ports until one of them connects. Having the default port open to only the honeypot means they usually establish the connection, then leave it at that, so my real ssh port never gets hit. I kinda think of it like scambaiting, where I’m just wasting time they might otherwise spend trying to break into someone else’s real ssh server.
As mentioned by others, he “retired” a few months ago, but he’s not the only one at fault. Many of the other executives contributed to the terrible decision making that landed the company in its current situation and they need to be cut loose as well.