It’s measuring resistance, just like a multimeter can. Basically, it’s measuring how “difficult” it is for electricity to reach from A to B. High quality wire will have low resistance, while something like rubber has a very high resistance. This is basically just measuring resistance and moving a needle back and forth on a meter. It’s an Electrical Engineering 101 class project.
What makes certain people have different measurements? I assume that’s what they’re after in the cult to determine who goes where
Our skin layer is about the worst conductor of our bodies but if you have wet salty skin you’ll show a higher reading. Maybe that’s all the data they need. Maybe they’re onto something
This goes a step further though.
Because they are questioning you while “on the cans”, your skin’s electrical conductivity will change naturally even if being completely honest. These momentary blips will cause the person conducting the interview to ask you more personal, more intimate questions, with the goal of you over sharing.
Basically they use the flawed technology that is the lie detector and based an entire religion around it.
Honestly not a bad idea, if I’m being completely honest and devoid of human empathy.
Isn’t there a name for bullshit devices that produce some ouput that has no bearing on what is being tested? Like that device Dee and Charlie use when they are in the superberry MLM on Sunny in Philadelphia. Like, its snake oil but I thought there was a word for that kind of thing.
What do you mean? That machine measured stress very accurately and displayed it in standard stress units
My biggest issue was the lack of clarity over where one should place their feet. Kinda important
I don’t know about one word, but generally I’ve heard “quack medical device” used to describe such things.
Like a polygraph I guess but slightly seedier