“And if you turn it sideways it works like a mouse”
Why are we talking about this more than that?
Because they haven’t confirmed cat support yet!
You mean a mouse that won’t get pushed off the desk? They’d win a Nobel prize for that.
Do they HAVE to draw hands so bad on patent applications? I mean like on every one I’ve ever seen.
I know right? There’s no where near enough Doritos dust on those fingers!
It’s super hard to draw hands even for people that normally draw anatomical figures, and these are likely drawn by engineers that are used to drawing machines. At least they don’t have 16 fingers. 🤷🏻♂️
This is most probably a stylized projection of a 3D model.
The asynchronous games were a lot of fun. https://www.mariowiki.com/Nintendo_Land had a couple of them, like one where everyone is in first person mode chasing the tablet player who has a top down view.
Mario Paint 2!
Don’t you do this to me…don’t give me hope.
I haven’t thought about H*R in a loooooong time. Thank you.
They still make occasional new releases on YouTube!
It’ll definitely be interesting, but I imagine people will just end up pairing an actual mouse to it if the games all have mouse support.
I hope the next Fire Emblem uses this. Of course, they didn’t use the Switch’s touch screen, so I’m not holding my breath.
Little do you know Nintendo is in cahoots with Big Orthopedic.
I, for one, can’t wait until my joycon is so scuffed from vigorously rubbing it on a flat surface that it doesn’t properly insert into the console. Maybe I’m assuming too much, but why would I give Nintendo the benefit of the doubt here?
I think it has normal mouse sliders. There’s a thicker black line in figure 25 behind the line with number 33.
Good eye. Looking into it further, it looks like this picture seems to suggest that they’ve forseen this issue and will also provide an attachment for a better “mouse mode” experience.
Any word yet on what the joystick tech will be? Mouse operation is all very interesting but drift is my main concern for the new joycons.
I haven’t seen anything official, but rumors are suggesting Hall Effect joysticks.
Any word on the screen? Would be sad if it wasn’t OLED but it wouldn’t surprise me if they wanted to cut cost for the base model.
It’s actually just leftover 3DS screens.
Stereoscopic 3D would be awesome. I loved it on the 3DS.
TOTK makes me wish 3D TVs caught on.
I mean the latest version of the Switch 1 went OLED. It’d be weird if v2 downgraded from that.
V2 switch was LCD just like V1 with no physically obvious changes. Only the OLED model was OLED
Nintendo playing against type on that one then. They tend to go for the cheapest worst option.
Well the warranty repairs and replacements certainly weren’t free. Hall effect may be the cheapest option. Especially at their manufacturing scale.
There is absolutely no reason in a fair and just world why my Pro Controller wouldn’t be able to sync to the Switch 2. So foolishly assuming we live in a fair and just world, I’m probably never going to use the Joycons ever.
When I saw the reveal trailer and the joycons were sliding around on their sides I didn’t even recognise that they were implying mouse-mode until people in the comments started losing their minds.
All I could think was “my massive hands are never going to be able to use that joycon as a mouse comfortably”. This patent does not make me feel any more confident that j won’t have constant hand cramps with this thing.
Me too, I just can’t imagine a comfortable way to hold it as a mouse and better yet, didn’t even notice the mouse sensors until watching it a third time after seeing all the people talking about it!
I was convinced it was just Nintendo implying the new shoulder button attachment would be called “skates” or something
Every time Nintendo adds a weird gimmick to a new system, I say, “no one will use that,” and every time, I am wrong.
The NES had an expansion port on the bottom.
The SNES also had an expansion port.
The virtual boy…existed.
The N64 had an expansion port, a ram upgrade, and a controller memory pack.
The gamecube had an expansion port, and a handle.
The Wiimote has a speaker inside, that only 1 game ever used (that I played).
The WiiU had the WiiU gamepad.
The Switch had the IR sensor, and HD rumble.
It makes me sad that so few games utilized the potential of the WiiU gamepad. There was this game called Zombie U that managed to really show how incredible it could be. There was a mode where players would be in a zombie wave survival arena except 1 player would instead be controlling the spawns via a map on the gamepad. They could see where the other players were, where the weak spots were, and had their own progression tree to unlock better zombies.
The problem with the Wii U is it wasn’t just another underpowered Nintendo console. It was an underpowered Nintendo console that games had to be completely different or specifically designed for to truly take advantage of.
Here’s my thing, so many Wii games that leaned too heavily into the Wiimote were annoying. I don’t necessarily believe games leaning more into the game pad would’ve made them enjoyable experiences. I think it’s just nostalgia. We remember things like Wii sports because it was fun and everyone had it, not because it used the Wiimotes.
disagree. the wiimote was on a different level altogether. with amazing response time and accuracy. and the great many games that did take good advantage of them.
i had hopes that the joycons would be a good replacement to finally bring back the fun physical element of old wii; since it came with sports and all that. but holy hell they are so bad. not only are they bad, the quality is shit. 16 years later everyone’s wii motes still work, joiycons tho? i’ve had to replace 4 so far and i’ve had the console for what, 2 years?
the joycon detachment is such a lie, they should have just bundled a standard controller and left the joycons permanently attached to all devices.
You’re joking, surely. While the analog stick drift is a huge problem in terms of quality, the motion controls are objectively better. Go play Mario Galaxy on the Wii and play it in 3d All Stars on Switch and tell me the Switch version isn’t better. The fact that you aren’t bound to pointing directly at the screen due to the motion bar thingy is huge. The sort of tilt assist aiming in games like BotW and TotK are worlds better than any point aiming mechanics from the Wii.
Nothing I’ve said before is about the life span of the parts. The analog sticks breaking on Joycons sucks and is awful, but don’t sit here and act like that makes the Wiimote better. Motion controls on Switch are so much better than Wii.
thanks for the recommendation. my teenage son is obsessed with the Wii U, he asked for one for Christmas two years ago. neither of us had heard of this game though! i picked it up for 16 on amazon just now.
At least half of those were definitely used.
The Famicom had a modem with online shopping and horse race gambling. It also had a floppy disk module with a ram adapter that also added an extra audio channel. Zelda 1 and 2 debuted on this. It also had 3D goggles, the predecessor to the Virtual Boy. It also had an entire keyboard that plugged in, and a cartridge packed with sprites, tiles, sound effects, and example code you could hack up and save to another add-on: a cassette tape recorder that saved your game projects encoded in audio.
The Super Famicom had a radio receiver that clicked onto the bottom that downloaded new games from space.
The Game Boy had an entire cartridge pin for audio passthrough so future tech built into cartridges could preprocess sound and send it straight to output.
The N64 also had a floppy-disk loading module.
The GameCube had a module that plays DMG, GBC, and GBA games (but more importantly turns the GameCube into an actual cube).wow that is interesting as hell. would be fun to play with all that stuff!
That’s your biggest takeaway from the Switch, not the fact that it’s a portable console with detachable controllers that can expand to your TV!? Or is that too integral and less of a gimmick…?
The things listed were the gimmicks announced but never used.
Don’t forget the rumble packs. N64 had one, not sure if there were others.
Logitech had a rumble mouse. The only game I know used it was black & white
I loved Black & White! Always tried to play benevolently, but with enough frustration I ended up razing everything
The gamecube had an expansion port
Three ports, actually. One for network, one for the GBA player, and one that wasn’t used as far as I can recall.
and a handle.
The ports were all on the same bus! You can send signals meant for any of the three of them into any of the three of them and it’ll work.
Well, the memory card slots and Serial Ports 1 and 2 anyway. The Game Boy Player connects via the parallel port.
Crusty wiimote sounds are a staple
I used the N64 expansion port.
Rogue Squadron bundled it in, improved graphics and load time.
Made other games run faster too if I recall.
You must’ve only played 1 wii game because pretty much every game used that speaker
I’m wondering if a lot used it in minor ways so you forget easily. I remember Brawl would use it when you selected a character, but I may only be remembering because it was a meme on TikTok for a bit. I remember one microgame in Warioware using it when you answered a phone which was funny.
I remember hearing that red steel had a multiplayer mode where your objective was played out of the Wiimote’s speaker to keep it secret from other players
I cannot adequately describe how mildly interested I am. But I guess we’ll see…
RTS or any predominantly mouse driven game on the switch would be interesting.
Trying to play those sorts of games even on the steam deck is a bit of a penance.
Splatoon is about to get real sweaty when M&K is an option
Sliding joycons against a flat surface? Cannot wait for it to come out they intentionally made them so piss poor that after a few times doing it, your joycon breaks and you need to get an official new one in order to use that feature, which will probably be shamelessly required to use an important feature in some place like their shitty store.
Dual mouse mode sounds interesting…
Star Fox could be interesting controlled that way
I am coping hard for a Kid Icarus: Uprising remake using this. We know Sakurai has been working on something, and I’d hate for it to just be a new smash.