I looked into that guy somewhat recently, he was in jail for something like five years then eventually released. Kind of a sickening situation all around.
Text editor or not, when you’re asked for log files provide THE LOG FILES. Don’t edit out lines you think are irrelevant. You don’t know what’s irrelevant or not. If you did, you could fix the problem yourself.
I was a die-hard Logitech fan for many years, but over the past five or so their quality has really gone downhill, with their prices remaining the same if not increasing. I have a full set of Logitech peripherals but when the time comes to replace them Logitech will not be in the running.
My NAS that holds all my data is Farnsworth. My file server is Hermes. My Linux VM that does all the scut-work is Kif. My beefy gaming PC is Bender. My beefy gaming laptop is Flexo. And so on.
Might wanna check your math there…